Vegan Falafel Sub
Baguette everything you know about sandwiches! This delicious sub is vegan-friendly!
FEATURING Half White Breadstick
1 Bakers Delight White Breadstick (half)
500g jar Passata or other chunky tomato sauce
3 tbsp Basil vegan pesto
1 brown onion caramelised
200g Vegan cheese (store-bought)
1 bunch of fresh basil
225g Yumi’s Original Falafel balls
2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp olive oil
Step 1
Place falafel balls in the oven for 5-7 minutes at 180°C
Step 2
Add the passata sauce to a shallow saucepan pan and heat on low while the falafels are cooking. Remove falafels from the oven and add to passata mix
Step 3
Brown sliced onions in a separate frying pan on medium heat. Slowly add 1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar and cook until soft before setting aside
Step 4
Slice the breadstick lengthways. Spread the slice with pesto, then add the felafels. Top with sauce, caramelised onion mix, and vegan cheese. Put back in the oven for up to 5 mins or until cheese has softened