Scotch Eggs Recipe
Looking for a hearty snack that looks amazing? You can’t go past our scotch egg recipe. Bringing the tastiness of sausages and eggs together, these scotch eggs look and taste great. Whether you serve them warm or cold, these savoury treats make for the perfect snack addition to your picnic or Ploughman’s Platter.
FEATURING Hi-Fibre Lo-GI White Block Loaf
4 slices Bakers Delight Hi-Fibre Lo-GI Loaf
500g good quality pork sausages
1 tsp finely diced fresh thyme
2 tsp Hot English or Dijon mustard
Salt flakes
Black pepper
8 eggs
1/2 cup plain flour
2 litres vegetable oil, for deep frying
Step 1
Preheat fan forced oven to 150C, place bread on line baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes, flipping the bread half way to ensure both sides are crispy.
Step 2
Place a medium sized saucepan of water on high heat and bring to the boil. Carefully add in 6 eggs with a spoon and cook eggs for 6-8 minutes, depending if you’d like semi soft boiled or hard-boiled eggs.
Step 3
Slit the skins of each sausage and squeeze sausage meat into a large mixing bowl. Add in chopped thyme and mustard and season with salt flakes and pepper. Mix well to combine.
Step 4
When eggs are ready, place in bowl of ice or cold water and allow to cool then carefully peel eggs.
Step 5
When bread is quite hard and toasted, allow to cool slightly then blitz in food processor until mix resembles fine breadcrumbs.
Step 6
Place vegetable oil in large, deep saucepan over medium – high heat.
Step 7
Set up three bowls, one with flour, one with the remaining two eggs lightly whisked and one with breadcrumbs.
Step 8
Roughly take 1/6th of the sausage mixture, flatten the mix in the palm of your hand, take one egg and place in the centre of the mix and wrap the egg in the sausage mix. You may need to add a little more sausage mix depending on the size of your egg.
Step 9
Once the egg is fully covered, roll into flour, dip into egg then roll into breadcrumbs. Repeat this with remaining eggs.
Step 10
Test the oil to see if it is ready by dipping in a little bit of leftover bread and if it rapidly bubbles within the first five seconds it is ready. Add in three eggs at a time, gently turning the eggs when required to ensure even, and golden cooking.
Step 11
If oil seems too hot and the eggs are browning quite quickly turn down the heat as the eggs need to cook for at least five minutes to ensure the sausage meat is cooked through before removing.
Step 12
When cooked, remove from heat and set aside on absorbent paper towel.
Step 1
Do not use really fresh eggs when making this recipe as fresh eggs are much harder to peel.