Cheesymite Scroll

Say hello to the Bakers Delight Cheesymite Scroll – the true-blue OG that inspired our sensational Cheesymite range. This Aussie classic combines the distinct taste of Vegemite with melted golden cheese, resulting in a flavour explosion that’ll leave you saying, “Bonza!” Our Bakers Delight Cheesymite Scroll is the stuff dreams are made of – savoury, cheesy dreams, that is!

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$4.00 RRP

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Whether you’re packing a lunchbox for school or need a quick snack between meetings, our cheesymite scroll has got your back. Get creative and use them in a new recipe like our Layered Cheeseymite Breakfast Bake, or warm them up and serve them alone. 


So why wait? Drop into your local bakery today and elevate your lunch game with some fair-dinkum Aussie goodness! Pick up just one scroll – perfect for a quick lunch, or grab a pack that will last you all week!


Got a hankering for our freshly baked tasty treats but no time to spare? No worries! Order online now and let third party delivery options take care of the rest. Treat yourself to the convenience of doorstep delivery without compromising on the taste that makes us special.

DID YOU KNOW? Bakers Delight is the original home of the Cheesymite Scroll

The Cheesymite Scroll was created when Bakers Delight co-founder Roger Gillespie decided to combine two of his favourite things, Vegemite and Cheese, and the rest is history.

Genius Hacks for Back to School

Every time school goes back, it can be hard to get into that routine again! Before you start worrying over early mornings, after-school activities and schedules, check out these 10 parent-approved ideas that will make the back to school transition just a little easier for both you and the kids.




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